The Power of Videos For Your Business

Did you know that videos are considered the future of online marketing? Many Real Estate agents are just realizing the power of video marketing and are now using it as their main marketing platform. Research has shown that using marketing videos gives you a 41% rate increase in Google search results and 75% gain in closing the deal. It’s these types of results that has peeked everyone’s interest. 

Why wouldn’t you want to grow your business with these known stats? We’re going to show you how to set-up, stage, and learn the basics of delivering up successful videos for your business. Let’s get started!

real estate business - start

1. Set Up

In order to start recording awesome videos, you first need to find the right camera. No, you don’t need to go out and purchase the newest & most expensive camera out there- BUT you do need to know how to make the best of what you already have. If you don’t think the camera you currently have is all that great, there are plenty of reasonably priced cameras that will take clear and captivating footage for you. 

Higher-quality cameras and editing software can make all the difference, and will matter even more when you start getting sponsorship’s, collaborating on videos, and even shooting live events.

We recommend checking out the MEVO camera! It is small, connects to any social media platform to post on the spot, and is equipped with professional editing tools. To learn more about this camera click here. 

power of videos - mevo camera



Now that you’ve found the perfect camera to use, its time to set up where to shoot and what type of lighting you will use. Ideally you want to choose a room that is bright and open. We recommend avoiding nasty shadows and harsh natural light as well. The most popular lighting tool people use for “at home” shoots is an LED light. These come in all types of sizes and prices, so customize your search to what works best for you. 

There are even mini LED lights to attach to your phone for live videos! This is the most flattering lighting and used by almost every popular vlogger out there. 

Read more about setting up lighting for your videos here:


Let’s keep it simple…stay centered and make sure you are right in the middle of your shot. Avoid holding your camera directly below your face while recording or too close up.


2. Staging

Setting the stage for your background has a huge impact on the look and feel of your videos. These videos can take place in your office or out on an adventure with you at a beautiful home! There’s a wide variety of places you can choose from, but if you are planning on consistently shooting from your home, its important to designate a room and set the stage accordingly. 

Keep it clean and simple. Setting up your background could involve a cute (yes I just said cute, ha,ha) bookcase, a beautiful lamp, flowers in a vase- whatever fits your style! Avoid a dark, gloomy, messy, or unorganized backdrop. 

If you do plan on taking your camera to a new listing, plan ahead of time for your favorite two or three rooms to highlight. This way you aren’t running around from room to room confusing the viewers. Show them what is the most appealing and spend your video time highlighting those areas. 


Live or Scripted?

Another key factor when creating videos is deciding whether you’re going to do a live or scripted video. 

A live video on Instagram or Facebook instantly sends a notification to all of your friends & followers that you are recording. This is great for your real estate or mortgage business and has been proven to attract a lot more viewers. Live video is also a little more intriguing as they are more natural and organic than just a regular scripted video. 

Live video is ideal for new listings, an exciting announcement, or useful tips to share with your followers. 

A scripted video is planned ahead of time, recorded, edited, then uploaded for all your viewers to see. There are many benefits to planning and writing out your videos ahead of time. This way you’ll have better focus and control on your key points, as well as knowing exactly how everything will turn out! 


power of videos - guy recording

3. Just Do It!


According to Business 2 Community:

real estate business - video

With this knowledge, why wouldn’t you want to start today? Research everywhere shows an increase in leads and organic traffic to your website. 

Videos of beautiful homes, your business updates, news, and home related tips are incredibly beneficial to your business. This tactic is much too powerful to NOT do, or just brush aside. If this is out of your comfort zone, push past the fear and Just DO It!

power of videos - get started

Find your niche and unique personal style. All of the above components teach you HOW to stage and set up, but an equally important factor is how you will stand out from other individuals in the business. What types of homes do you love to sell? Do you have a particular demographic you love to work with? Do you have some great tips to share? Make a list and brainstorm on ideas that excite and motivate you to get started!

Don’t forget to be spontaneous and have fun. Remember…creative content is what attracts an audience the most!



Read more here on how to set up powerful videos for your business:


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