Why Testimonials Are Your Best Tool for Your Business

How often do you put yourself in your audience or consumers shoes? Maybe not enough? 

Say you’re trying to lose weight, and you start seeking a new personal trainer. Imagine you stumble on a personal trainer’s page and they have zero reviews, no powerful testimonials, or pictures of their clients “after” results. Would you choose this type of business? Of course not!

You are most likely to choose a business/person that can show you they have the experience and the PROOF to back it up with these testimonials, pictures, and reviews. Five star reviews, happy customers in their photos, and positive testimonials are what helps consumers overcome their fear or doubt in taking action. Especially when it requires them to do something or pay money.  

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Today we are going to show you just how simple setting up testimonials can be, and why great reviews can help your business stand out!  


Imagine you just had the best experience with a business or restaurant. You planned on writing up a fantastic review…but life got busy and you completely forget. That’s the reality of it. And frankly is the reason why most businesses don’t get the five star reviews they deserve. People get busy and don’t remember to rave about that great business they fell in love with!

There’s a solution however. There are many tools and systems available in the market that can help you capture the reviews your business needs. Some even send an automatic friendly reminder (through text or email) that leads past consumers directly to Facebook or Google Reviews. These reminders have been proven extremely effective for improving your review status. 


These tools may come with a small price, but it’s worth hearing back from happy clients and showing everyone how you serve your customers. 

For example, here at Sun American Mortgage we send an immediate reminder to our customer after their successful closing with us. Almost every time we receive a positive review immediately praising our team and company! These five star reviews have helped us stand out against our competitors in the Valley. When anyone googles “mesa mortgage” we pop up first, simply because we found the best way to encourage our happy customers to share their experience. Google gives substantial clout in the search engine to businesses that have consistent reviews flowing through their Google Brand Account.

As consumers, our eyes automatically focus on the first name listed. Almost always the brand that is listed in the top has the most reviews with the highest avg. rating. 

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Just googling our name pops up even more great reviews on Zillow, Facebook, Yelp, and gives a peek at some of the latest Google Reviews!

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Where To Start

We highly recommend using My Social Practice to get started! They guide you through Google Reviews, Social Media Reviews and more.


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Idxcentral.com gives some other resourceful ways to enhance your reviews and feedback for everyone else to see

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One recent study found that customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating in content marketing at 89%. – Boast.com

The social influence of testimonials is the powerful PROOF that can convince someone to choose YOU over others. Visitors to your page are attracted to authentic and credible testimonials that show them you know how to do your job right, as well as “like-minded” people who highly recommend you over anyone else. 

If you prefer to get your testimonials from your clients directly, we recommend writing down specific questions you will want to ask. Some of these questions might be..

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To wrap up…

The only way your target audience will know you’re the best, is through stellar reviews and testimonials. Implement a streamlined automated way for your clients to submit their testimonials, which in-turn can be pushed out to Google or Social Media platforms. These testimonials will attract strong new leads, more traffic to your website, and spread the word about how great you are!  It will be so worth it in the end!



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