Common Marketing Mistakes Made by Realtors

There are so many different ways to market businesses and brands; some marketing efforts are successful, others aren’t. When it comes to real estate, marketing gets a little bit tricky. Personal marketing (marketing yourself as a realtor) takes a lot more effort and attention to detail.

If done right, your real estate marketing efforts will help you kill it in the real estate industry. Here are the top marketing mistakes realtors make and how to fix them. 


Common Marketing Mistakes

Before I go in depth on the common mistakes made in real estate marketing, I want to point out, if you find yourself doing any or all of these things, don’t worry! It’s a relatively easy fix! We can help you develop a top-notch personal marketing strategy! 


Mistake 1: Avoiding Social Media

I know you’ve successfully avoided it so far, but if you’re one of those that has been ignoring social media, that needs to change! Social media is the marketing hub! It’s an easy way to reach a mass audience. You cannot avoid it any longer. It’s an important part of real estate marketing! This is one of those marketing mistakes you definitely need to change!

Aside from just being on social media, be social on it! Don’t just promote your listings and flash homes in front of peoples faces. Be PERSONAL! If you’re just on Facebook once a week to post photos of your new listing, no one will pay any attention to you. 

Remember, this is personal marketing! Be yourself. Get to know people. Comment and reply to comments. Put your face on there every once in awhile. If used correctly, Facebook (and other social platforms) can be a huge leveraging tool. You really can generate leads through social media (CLICK HERE to learn how).

Want to know another secret with social media marketing? VIDEOS! They are a key to success! Videos allow people to see you and your personality. Your fans and followers can really get to know YOU! Don’t underestimate the power of social media in your real estate marketing efforts. marketing mistakes - social media


Mistake 2: Outsourcing your Digital Marketing for Cheap

It may be tempting to pay less than $30 a month to get a company to push out social media for you. DON’T GIVE IN! I promise that it won’t be worth it! 

Although doing this will get you on social media for cheap (with no time required on your part), it won’t give you the desired result. Remember that it’s personal marketing, and you’re trying to brand yourself, not your Facebook page. These cheap companies will push out unoriginal, bland content that will be sure to bore your fans! (Want a sure way to keep people from following you on social media? Be boring!) 

So what do you do if you don’t have time to be on social media as actively as necessary? This is where we at Sun American Mortgage come into play. 

We can do your social media for you! We have a great program that’s set up to give you unique, original posts that will be sure to “wow” your followers. Our consistency and expertise will help you manage your time so you can spend more effort on the important things. (CLICK HERE to LET US HELP YOU!)

If you’d like more information on this program Sun American Mortgage offers, and how we can help with your social media, contact Jeff Boulton – [email protected]480-467-1069.




Mistake 3: Mass Flyering with No Organization

Flyers can be a very effective real estate marketing tool. I’m not doubting that. But if you flyer without a plan, it can become more of a chore than a help. 

Instead of sending out the same flyer to every community within a 50 mile radius, pick one zip code or one major community to focus on. Or, if you want to try a few different communities, give a different promotion to the various communities. 


If you just flyer to everyone, you won’t be able to tell which communities are really interested or where there’s a hot market. By narrowing your focus, you can then figure out which communities have potential. It also allows you to spend more time and effort there.

Again, with personal marketing, you need more of a personal touch. How can you do that if you’re trying to reach out to everyone in the Phoenix-metro area?


Mistake 4: Not Having a Purpose with your Real Estate Marketing

As mentioned last week (CLICK HERE for last week’s article on “Finding your Why”), it’s important to find your purpose, to find out why  you do what you do. 

After you remember why you became a Realtor in the first place, start making goals for yourself. We’re only two months into the year, it’s not too late to make some goals for 2017. 

Decide where you want to be by December and how to you want to get better. How can you improve your real estate marketing efforts this year? Once you make some goals, start working on them a little at a time. YOU’VE GOT THIS! 

As an extra tip, don’t just focus on things you want to improve. Ask yourself what you’re good at and take advantage of your skills! Play to your strengths! 


personal marketing - be yourselfMistake 5: Not Being Personal in your Personal Marketing

Faking and trying too hard will scare people away. Although it seems silly in a world of digital relationships, people like transparency (or what appears to be transparency). 

Be friendly and be honest with people you work with and interact with (online and/or in-person). Be yourself!

Tell people you see and interact with about you, about your interests, and most importantly about why you love real estate. They want to get to know you! Let them! This is the most important part of personal marketing! 


Don’t let these marketing mistakes get you down. Let us help you! 

Contact me if you’d like more information on the real estate marketing program Sun American offers – [email protected]480-467-1069.

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