Build a Better Home – Helping You Make Your House Feel Like Home

Are you always looking for ways to make your house feel more like a home? Do you want your home to be the place everyone feels comfortable and wants to spend there time?

We want to help you with this endeavor. As a mortgage company, we understand how important a home is to a family. Let us help you build a better home. 


How We Will Help You Build a Better Home?

It’s the middle of July and your A/C goes out. What are you going to do? Who will you call?

Or maybe your kitchen is in desperate need of an update. Where do you start? How do you tackle this project?

If you currently own a home, you know how important it is to have a trusted company in your back pocket for moments like these. You don’t want to be left with no where to go.

Here are Sun American our goal is to find all these companies for you. We will find Arizona’s best-of-the-best with services revolving around your home. You no longer have to browse the web looking for what you need. We will have it all here for you. The time for your dream home is now!

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We Will Do Research

Whether you’re taking on a home improvement project, or you need someone to come put an alarm system in your home, finding the right companies can be overwhelming. How do you decide where to start? Where do you go for ideas and supplies? Who do you go to when you want the job done? Who can you trust?

We will do this research for you. Being a local company ourselves, we want to support other local businesses and will find the best and most trustworthy companies for what you need. 

We will find various companies that can help you build a better home, whether it’s window treatments, flooring, carpentry, landscaping, pool services, interior design, painting, and so much more! 

Not only will we find these companies for you, but we will tell you who they are, how they work and why they are the best options for you in building your dream home!

We will do videos with each of these companies and write blogs about who they are and what they do. We will help you get to know them!

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We Will Give You Ideas

Not only will we tell you where you can find the help you need, but we will help provide ideas and inspiration for your dream home. 

With articles like our “Top 10 Kitchen Trends for 2017,” we will help you know what home designs are trending so you can have the home you’ve always wanted. 

Are you wanting to redo your master bathroom? We’ll help give you ideas and tips for taking on this project. We will also provide information on local interior design companies so you can get professional advice unique to your project.

We can help you jump start the home improvement process with these articles. 


Let Us Be the First to Welcome You Home

We’re thrilled to be starting this new project and hope you will be excited too. 

We love connecting with local companies and bringing them to you. Now you can be confident that you are working with the best companies in the Valley!

So keep an eye out for our “Build A Better Home” articles so that you can have the home of your dreams.


If you are looking to do a complete renovation of your home or you’re wanting to purchase your dream home, Sun American is here to help. Let us fund your dream! We understand the importance of having a place to call home, a place to be yourself. 

After 33 years of helping people like you, we know how to do this. When you’re ready, give Sun American Mortgage Company a call! 480-832-4343


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