A Partnership you Can’t Refuse

You Need Us, And We Need You! Let’s Make 2017 The Best Year Yet!

Partnerships in business are a tricky process. You can’t just partner with anyone. You have to partner with someone you can trust, someone who can help you progress. You need a partnership where you can help each other. Sun American Mortgage is the partner you’ve been looking for. With over 32 years in business, we have created a trusted and successful business that thrives on helping you and your clients. This year we need each other more than ever. 


Here’s Why We Are Different Than Any Other Mortgage Bank Around.

We are a independent mortgage bank and offer everything in-house from origination, to processing, underwriting and funding. Each loan officer knows and interacts with everyone that touches the borrower’s file! How many mortgage companies can honestly say that?


Some Of The Best Mortgage Rates In Town!

We offer some of the best mortgage rates in the entire state! Not only do we offer amazing rates, but our customers leave satisfied. We are extremely proud and grateful of all our clients that leave so many wonderful reviews about their experience. Check out some of our reviews on Google and our own website.

Click here to read our reviews:  5 stars on Google!   Sun American Mortgage Website Reviews!

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We Have The Experience!

We have been in business for 32 years with most of our employees having worked with us for over 15 years. When do you ever see a retention rate so high? This experience is invaluable. There’s something to be said about numerous years working together, like Bill Belichick and Tom Brady. Their vast experience working together on the same team has helped make the Patriots a force to be reckoned with. Our abilities, like theirs, are not to be overlooked. Our experience and knowledge sets us above the rest.


We Manage Our Own Group Of Appraisers!

We also manage our own appraisers. Most mortgage banks are subject to third-party appraisal management groups, losing control and quality. But, we don’t have this problem. We get to handpick our appraisers and manage them in-house. You can rest assured that we have the best in the Valley!


We Close On-Time & Fast!

Our process is SMOOTHER, FASTER and MORE EFFICIENT than any other mortgage bank! We not only have advanced technology and software, but we also now offer a new SMART TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION called the Accelerator (CLICK HERE)!

Here are some of the highlights that make this so powerful!

-It enables our clients to easily submit their application and all supporting documentation online with any device.

-It automatically creates a task list of everything they need to submit based on how they completed their application.

-It reminds them when they are missing items and keeps the borrower on track with the process.

-It has a simple chat feature that allows all of us to communicate fast and securely.

-It also allows you as an Agent to follow along and see what’s being done in the process, as well as stay up-to-date.

-With this being so intuitive and easy, it Accelerates the process and get’s the ball moving so much faster! 

Because of this and the other advanced technologies we have, our average number of days for docs at title is 26 days (excluding outlying areas in Arizona and certain loan programs). Now that is FAST!


Our Realtor Marketing Program

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As we establish a partnership, our goal is to help you dominate in your branding and marketing. Here’s a little sneak peak of what we offer:

There are five core components that are vital to your successful marketing campaign: Website, Social Media, Blog, Email and Print. 



If you have the right website, you can convert traffic into leads. We offer an impressive, mobile-friendly website that can help you do just that. You want a website that will impress consumers right away. We will help you create an eye-catching website that integrates easily-accessible MLS content.

Social Media

It today’s world, the best way to reach a large audience is through social media! We will help you understand the Facebook algorithms and how to really leverage the platform’s power. CLICK HERE for more information on using Facebook for marketing. Social Media not only gets your name and face out there, but it can also bring in clients!


Want your website to show up on the first page of Google? Blogs are the way to go. The more original content you have on your site, the better. Blogs are also a great way to share your expertise and show your consumers that you know what you’re talking about. 


Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with new leads. We have an email marketing strategy that will help you make these leads actual clients.


Get your brand and your listings out and in front of everybody! We will help you create attractive materials that you can send out to potential clients!

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CLICK HERE for more details on our Marketing Program. 

Let’s Dominate 2017 Together!

It’s impossible for you to efficiently and effectively do all this without help. We can do your social media for you! Our consistency and expertise will help you be a force to be reckoned with. Let us help each other!

If you’d like more information on this program Sun American Mortgage offers, contact Jeff Boulton – [email protected]480-467-1069.

As you’re entering this new year, think about your partnership with Sun American Mortgage. How can we help you?


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